It's finally that time of year when I feel I can safely take the tender baby plantings from the protection of the greenhouse and plant them in their summer homes. The broccoli, lettuce, mesclun and radishes have been in the ground for a month or so, but the ever present threat of a late April/early May frost in Kansas, combined with the nasty hail-loving weather we've had the last week, has prevented me from planting the tomatoes, basil, peppers and other goodies that I've grown from seed in the greenhouse.
But today will be planting day!
I thought I'd give you a little black-and-white tour of the greenhouse before it's emptied of its occupants.
There's oak-leaf lettuce, ready for the picking. It was
planted back in late January and harbored in the house until the temperatures of the unheated greenhouse would suffice.

There's Buddha - happy that last year's potted mint has survived the winter.

There's nearly 30 tomatoes, a dozen basil, and numerous peppers, lemon balm, coleus and such. Most are big enough to be planted straight into the ground.

Some, like the tomatoes, are more than ready - reaching up towards the sun.

There's a geranium, given to me by my supervisor on Administrative Professionals' Day (two weeks before I gave my two week notice).

And there's one tired gardener who takes care of them all.

--Rational Mama
Wait, what? 2 week notice? I'm outta the loop, obviously.