It seems like a fine time for some reflection, so I interviewed family members about the rationing program so far. This first installment is an interview with Sissy, a meat-loving, vegetable-hating preteen.
RM: How long do you think we've been rationing?
S: [Counts on fingers] 100 weeks?
RM: Umm...there are only 52 weeks in a year.
S: [Laughter] Umm...35 weeks?
RM: Good guess - that's really close. We're currently in our 38th week of rationing. Have you told any of your teachers or friends about the rationing project?
S: Mrs. G knows about it and has read some of the blog.
RM: How did you describe it to her at first?
S: I never really described it to her because when I mentioned it I told her and Ms. M about the blog and they just went to the blog and learned about it. I told them that I didn't like it and that it was something from WWII.
RM: Have you told any friends about rationing?
S: I told T. a little, but every time I say something about it she's like, "What's rationing?" I don't know how to explain it.
RM: What has been the hardest part of rationing for you?
S: No apples [when they're not in season]! And I don't like that there isn't as much stuff to go in our lunches - they're not as good.
RM: Do you mean stuff like the prepackaged cracker sandwiches?
S: Yes, and no Fig Newtons. [ Editor's note: on previous exposure Sissy claimed to not like Fig Newtons; Fig Newtons were available on a limited basis during 1940s rationing]
RM: Is there anything about rationing that has been easier than you anticipated?
S: We don't seem to be eating potatoes as often anymore.
RM: Yeah, we ate a lot of potatoes in the winter.
S: That was forever ago!
RM: What are your thoughts on historic recipes?
S: I don't really like any of them. Every time you say it's a historic recipe night I say to myself: [heaves big sigh].
RM: What about the jellied ham loaf?
S: That was weird but okay.
RM: And the heart kabobs?
S: Blech!
RM: What about SPAM?
S: Yum! Yum! Yum!
RM: Should we eat more SPAM during our last three months of rationing?
S: Yes!
RM: Anything else specific we should do during these last months of rationing?
S: Not that I can think of.
RM: What are you looking forward to doing when we're done rationing?
S: Eating Totino's Pizza and apples. Is the blog going to stop when we're done rationing?
RM: I don't know.
S: You could keep writing about what we're doing since we're NOT rationing.
RM: I'll keep that in mind. So, should Totino's and apples be our first meal after rationing?
S: Yes! The morning after Christmas we should wake up and have apples and Totino's for breakfast! Just kidding - we should have homemade cinnamon rolls instead.
RM: We can do homemade cinnamon rolls during rationing - I've made them a couple of times this past year. We just have to be careful with our sugar and butter rations. If someone asked you why our family is rationing, what would you tell them?
S: Because my mom likes history so we decided to try something from WWII.
RM: Well, that's part of it, but we're also trying to learn what it's like to live on enough - rather than too much. Why would that be important?
S: So we're not being greedy.
RM: Does everyone in the world have enough?
S: No.
RM: How might we help with that?
S: Not eat as much so that they have some, too.
RM: Has rationing taught you anything about how people lived in the 1940s during WWII?
S: It wasn't the best time ever.
RM: Do you think they complained about rationing a lot?
S: Maybe.
RM: So even if they didn't like it, why would they do it?
S: Because before the War they might have had enough, but if they didn't has as much [during the War] then [the extra] could go to the soldiers so they could keep fighting.
RM: Was that the right thing to do?
S: Yes, it was important that the soldiers got good food so they could keep fighting.
RM: Does everyone deserve good food?
S: Yes.
--Rational Mama
Good to see that she gets the "living simply" part of it all. That's a big lesson for kiddos :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the last line, "Does everyone deserve good food?"!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI read this and am reminded all over again why Sissy and #2 are such good friends.