Today's interview is with Eowyn, an energetic, vegetable-loving seven year old.
RM: Do you have any any idea how long we've been rationing?
E: [Counts on fingers] A little over seven months? I have no clue. [Counts on fingers again] Seven and a half months?
RM: Good counting - it's actually closer to eight and a half months. Have you talked to any of your teachers or friends about rationing?
E: When Ms. L asked if we were doing anything for [Sissy's] birthday - a big cake - I said we were doing rationing so it was just going to be two banana cakes. She seemed to understand.
RM: Did she ask any questions?
E: No, she seemed to understand about rationing.
RM: What about your friends?
E: When I was at theater camp and talking to friends they were like, "Whoa!" and "What?!?" Except O., she seemed to understand - she knew about Victory Gardens.
RM: Really?
E: Yeah, I think she reads American Girl books, and she could know about that stuff from Molly's stories.
RM: What has been the hardest part of rationing so far?
E: Not having some of the foods that I really like when I want them - because they might not be available or be scarce that week.
RM: Any foods in particular?
E: Apples, although when it comes to apple orchard time...
RM: Has anything about rationing been easier than you expected?
E: Yes. At the beginning, when we were drawing sticks [for Mr Bowles' Marketplace Scenario Randomizer] I thought dealing with the scenarios would be hard. But it's not bad, we just move meals to another week if we don't already have the stuff like cottage cheese in the fridge or freezer.
RM: We have only a little more than three months left of rationing, is there anything we should do during that time?
E: Like what? I don't understand.
RM: Like make certain foods or something like that.
E: We should make more pickles [sly grin].
RM: What have you thought about the historic recipes?
E: Well, the Victory Pancakes were okay, and the veggie burgers looked nasty but were good. And the heart was awesome!
RM: What about the jellied ham loaf?
E: Eh, it wasn't the best.
E: Awesome!
RM: So should we eat more SPAM in the next three months?
E: Yes!
RM: Is there anything you are looking forward to doing once rationing is over?
E: Eating more apples - red apples, not the green apples we got from the [CSA bag at the] co-op. And just eating more of the foods we couldn't eat.
RM: What's the first thing you want to eat once rationing is over?
E: Apples, Totino's Pizza. And that macaroni and cheese that comes with the sauce in the pouch.
RM: If someone asked why our family is rationing, what would you tell them?
E: Because my mom used to work at the Historical Society and she knows a lot about WWII rationing and wanted to try it for a year.
RM: Well, that's part of it, but we're also trying to learn something. What do you think we're trying to learn by living on rations?
E: How other people felt during WWII.
RM: Right. And we're also trying to learn what it's like to live with enough...
E: [Interrupting] Rather than too much!
RM: So have you learned something about how people lived during WWII rationing?
E: Yes. It's kinda hard to explain. Some foods like Dorito's weren't invented yet and other foods cost lots of ration points.
RM: Do you think they liked rationing?
E: No.
RM: Do you think they complained about rationing?
E: Yes.
RM: Well, if they didn't like it why did they do it?
E: They wanted to help with part of the War. They wanted the war to be over and for their people to win.
RM: Do you think it was hard work to ration?
E: Yes.
RM: Was it worth it anyway?
E: Yes.
RM: Why is that?
E: Because they wanted to help the War and they ended up winning. Wait - didn't they win?
RM: Yes. So if something is really important, like winning a war, does it sometimes require some extra effort to make it happen?
E: Yes.
RM: Do you think helping the planet is something kind of like that - something really important?
E: Yeah.
RM: What kinds of things might people do to help the planet even though they're inconvenient?
E: Not eat some things that are bad for the Earth. Not use things that take away from the Earth things that it needs. Use things that are good for the Earth - like the soaps we get from [name of store].
RM: Those are good ideas. What about walking more - would that help the planet?
E: Yes, and bicycling so you're not using gasoline for short trips.
RM: All of those things would be better for the Earth, but they could also be inconvenient. Would it be worth it?
E: Yes.
--Rational Mama
I really enjoy these interviews. Thanks for sharing with us!