Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The International Community of Rational Living (and a Roll Call)

One of the things that thrills me to no end about the Rational Living blog is using the reporting software to see where the readers live.

The majority of readers are locally based in Kansas, but there are several others in the Midwest including regular visitors from Illinois, Texas, Wisconsin and Colorado.

Other regular States-based visitors hail from California, Washington D.C., the Pacific Northwest and several coastal regions.

And then there's the regular international visitors. The wonderful readers from across the pond in the United Kingdom are always a welcome treat, and we have at least one regular reader in Nova Scotia.

Of course, there are those one-time visitors - readers that pop in for a brief glance at a page or two. Sometimes they're following a link from someone else's blog, other times they're following search results for SPAM or WWII rationing. Some of these visitors have hailed from such varied places as Egypt, Germany, Singapore, France, Russia, Somalia, Australia, Thailand, Romania and Iran (just to name a few).

The reporting software can't always decipher exactly where a visitor is from, and not all of our regular visitors officially follow us through the Blogger system.

So, dear reader, can you please be so kind as to de-lurk (if necessary) and leave a little note stating where you are from? It would give us a better understanding of just how big and expansive the Rational Living community has become. You don't have to put anything personal, but if you have an idea, question or suggestion you can throw that in, too.

Thanks a bunch!

--Rational Mama
(Reporting live from Kansas, U.S.A.)


  1. *waves* I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada :). I usually read through bloglines but you know I like to pop in and say hi once in a while! I just find this fascinating and wish I had the discipline to do it, lol! I like reading about the adventures with the kids trying new things, seeing as I have pretty picky kids and it gives me ideas.

  2. Albuquerque, NM. I hope to visit regularly.

  3. Shout out from Topeka, KS. I read regularly but I don't think I'm always signed in. Love reading about the trials and tribulations of rational living as well as the updates on how this has affected your choices and/or made shifts in your thinking and living for the long term.

  4. I think you know I'm in Wisconsin. :)

    It's still too cold here - averaging around 45 degrees during the WARM part of the day. *shiver*

  5. I'm here! I'm here! Lawrence (or Topeka...), Kansas repreSENT.

  6. Wireless telegraph from Greater Liverpool, UK! And on British WW2 rations, so 15lb lighter than when you started this blog... :o)

  7. I check in every 2 TO 3 days from Rose Hill,Ks

  8. Holly from Topeka, KS

  9. Yes, I am here... Just a slacker! I'm one of your local readers :)

  10. Emilie and Derek in Indiana. Hi!

  11. I mostly read via bloglines, so I don't know if I show up in your stats. I really love your blog! I am from Columbus/Worthington Ohio.

  12. One of your CA readers... always interested in what others are doing and I LOVE history -- what an interesting way to really make it come alive!

  13. Yay! A couple of new aquaintances! :)

  14. I'm from London, UK, and know Mr Graham in the real world. I came to your blog through his, and you always have something interesting to say.

  15. Tanya - glad to have one of Mr. Graham's colleagues on board! Thanks for being part of the roll call.

  16. I realise I'm late to the party and only just reading your fascinating blog...but I'm Gill (short for Gillian) and I'm in Edinburgh, Scotland. I live with my partner and our beautiful 3-year old son, and I found your blog via "On The Ration", as I'm interested in ration cookery, frugality and environmental issues. :-)
