Wednesday, June 9, 2010

This (Damn) Old House

Yesterday, at one point, it was 82 degrees outside with a humidity level of 83%.

My personal opinion is that the numerical value of the humidity level shouldn't exceed the numerical value of the temperature. It was sticky, sticky, sticky. Oh, how air conditioning would have magically sucked that moisture out of the household! But alas, it is not an option this year.

Definitely a good incentive to get that whole house fan installed soon! A major air movement would have helped for sure.

TMOTH spent the better part of the day yesterday up in the attic to start on said whole house fan project. Seems our 100 year old house doesn't exactly have joists at modern/standard intervals.

This is going to get interesting.

Oh! And while we were checking out the dormer windows (they'll need to be replaced with vents) TMOTH pulled out some insulation-type material that was wedged between the window and the beam. It appears to be a section of some type of insulated clothing from ancient (early 1900s) times - like welder's pants. One of the early inhabitants of our house was a blacksmith, so I wonder if one winter he shoved some old work pants in the crevices of the attic to decrease drafts.

We'll keep you posted on the fan installation - it's going to require some outside-the-box thinking.

And sweating.

--Rational Mama


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry you guys are uncomfortable!

    I haven't got the nerve to go completely without air conditioning, but I have been trying to use it less and less each year.

    Eventually I'd love our family to be able to be content without it, but we're a bit spoiled, you know. ;)

  2. We'll invent reasons to invite you over when it is miserable. Not that we need to invent a reason, as you know you are always welcome at our home. I will be interested to hear the rest of the fan installation adventures. Being a damn old house owner myself I know that any project of this magnitude is never easy.

  3. Yesterday was tough after the heavy rain we had - way too muggy. But, it was temporary. I really am quite surprised how adjusted one can get to 84 degrees in the house (famous last words).
